Web Developer | <MERN-Stack> | Tech Enthusiast

Hey there! My name is Amit Verma. I'm a Web Developer.

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Bootstrap Themes

Pursuing my graduation from JSS Science and Technology University

Currently I'm a 3rd year student of Electronics and communication branch and I'm working as RAS-Joint Secratary in IEEE-SJCE for Robotics and Automation Team.

My Projects

Project 1
Job Search WebApp

Developed a comprehensive job search web application to connect job seekers with employers. The application includes functionalities for user authentication, job posting, job applications, and profile management.

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Project 2
Multifactor Authentication Login

User-friendly login experience with multi Factor Authentication and is developed with HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node.js Express.js, bcrypt and Nodemailer which provides data security and authentication

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Project 3
Discord Chatbot

This bot is built to solve queries on the Discord server and is hosted on Replit.

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Project 4
Event Management Webapp

This is a MERN stack project that provides information about events happening near the user's location.

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My Skills

I am a passionate MERN stack web developer with expertise in MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js

I possess a diverse skill set encompassing frontend and backend development, UI/UX design, version control, and expertise in IoT, robotics, and automation. With proficiency in modern technologies and frameworks


Forntend Development

Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience with modern frontend frameworks like React and Bootstrap.

Backend Development

Skilled in server-side technologies such as Node.js, Express.js and Familiar with databases SQL and PostgreSQL

Git and Github

Proficient in version control systems like Git and GitHub for collaborative software development. Experience with pull requests, issues, and project management.

Iot and Robotics

Experience in developing applications and solutions for IoT devices and Skilled in automating processes and systems using software tools and hardware components.

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